Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Birthday EE!

We had to postpone the birthday party this year! I'm sorry son, we were on a family vacation to Disney World! Lol!

I think the trade off was worth the wait!

This year EE turned 8 and requested a baseball party! No surprise there! He eats, lives, and breathes baseball!

The hard part about a baseball party is he has already had one in the past, so I needed fresh new ideas and turned to Pinterest!

Here are a few things I found
Baseballs on candlesticks-ok simple enough! I had both already so made a nice centerpiece for the table!

I loved this idea:
Baseballs in glass vases/candle holders!
Again we had both so easy! I put these on the buffet bar since adults would be serving the pizza and I didn't have much risk of them breaking!

The cake table was all my ideas! I can be a lil creative!
We had the sign- hey batter batter, for his new baseball room but hasn't hung it on the wall yet, so perfect table decor!
I had a baseball picture frame so I popped his latest picture in it-so cute!
The birthday frame we use for everyone's birthday!!
Here is a picture of the cake!
It's exactly what I wanted! The bottom is chocolate with a butter cream crust icing, which means its not soft to the touch but it's still butter cream and not fondant. The orange stars and blue strips are fondant! The bottom layer was chocolate and the top layer was strawberry!
I was able to take off the top layer and the baseball and number to save for the family party!
So it served two parties!
The number 17, is his baseball number this year! I tried to talk him Into letting Leora put the number 8 on top instead, but he wouldn't have it!
I normally don't pay for elaborate cakes, but he insisted on having his baseball pool party at our house so we saved a ton of money! And hey-you're only 8 once!
For the favors I had to do something that incorporated the baseball theme but wasn't babyish, and didn't cost an arm and a leg!
I came up with these:
I had a microwave popcorn in each bag with a Cracker Jack box, baseball bubble gum, a ballon that had the rubber band on the end, can't think of the name of them but you bounce them with your hand! I also included a lemonade packet too!
I thought by the front door was a great place for them!

The only thing I wish I had, but didn't was this awesome sign for the front door!
That isn't my front door, but I did order this sign! Can't wait for it to come in!

The kiddos that made the party were:
Cole J.
Parker C. 
Cooper W. 
Eli C. 
Landon W. 
Logan M. 

It was an awesome party!

Ee were are so blessed to have you! Mom and dad love you to the moon and back!!!

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