Saturday, June 21, 2014

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Father's Day BDW!!!

So very thankful for this guy!

He is a wonderful dad to the boys!

We love you!

I always think when Fathers Day comes around I'm gonna be sad, because of losing my dad!

But focusing on the hubs and trying to make his day special consumes my thoughts!

Don't get me wrong, I think about my dad everyday! I use to talk to him on the phone 3-4 times a day!
He was the most wonderful, awesome dad on this earth!

I am the luckiest girl in the world to call him my Dad! ;-)

I am also the luckiest girl in the world to be married to my hubs! We are the perfect pair! I'd go to the end of the world for that man and our kiddos!

We celebrated Father's day with a 5 hour drive home from Atlanta! The day before he drove us 8 hours from Disney to Atlanta! And BLESS his heart for dealing with me and my paranoia about riding in a car! I really only trust him to drive me anywhere! Sorry Crane-you know it's true!!

We got to celebrate a 9 day vacation!
I always love this sign!

More to come on the Disney trip!

BDW got a new J Crew shirt for Father's Day, and I bought two cards to take with us but lost them. Ugh!

He knows we love him!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Celebrating EE'S 8th Birthday!

Where has the time gone?
We are celebrating this sweet boys birthday!
This was taken the last day of school!

He is such a handsome young man! We are totally in love with him!

He is very a very smart guy! 

EE's birthday interview:
His favorite color is: blue
Favorite game: baseball
Favorite team: Cubs
Favorite thing to eat: Pizza
Favorite restaurant: Logan's Roadhouse
Favorite TV show: Chicago Fire
Favorite Fruit: strawberries
Best friend: Tanner G. Next door neighbor
Favorite cereal: lucky charms
Favorite thing to do: play baseball
Favorite snack: popcorn
Favorite animal: Dog-Lilly & Toby
Favorite book: Brothers at bat
Favorite subject: reading
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
What do you want to do on your birthday: go to a baseball game
Favorite drink: root beer
What do you want to be when you grow up: professional baseball player

This pretty much sums up our boy! Baseball, baseball, and more baseball!

Don't tell our dentist, but here are a few snacks he got to start his Birthday!
Yes that would be Reese's, cupcakes, gummy worms, and cheesecake!!

We went to dinner last night and they brought him this! It was the brownie sundae on the menu for 7 bucks, I was super surprised! It feed all 4 of us and we left more then half! That brownie was 6x6x2! It was huge!

Have a great day Duds! We love you more then words can ever express!!!

Pediatric ER visit on Memorial Day!

This is how we ended our Memorial Day!
BC had some issues going on and it needed to be addresses immediately! Luckily mom was able to come and stay with EE, as he had a field trip the next day, and I was going to help chaperone!
Luckily, the Dr. Said BC is able to wait until after vacation for his surgery! He has a minor surgery, they can't do the surgery laparoscopic so they have to make a 1-2 inch incision!

For now he can't play any sports! I caught him looking super cute at his ball game the other day!
We still go to the games because I help coach and BC misses not getting to play!
I love the picture above! Coaches sit on the buckets alot and it's just so stinking cute!! 
We had to follow up with a pediatric surgeon and while waiting in the room BC and I worked this puzzle! The kid loves puzzles!
We are super thankful, that he is healthy and no emergent surgery was required!

And a big thanks to Angela, she is our friend that happens to be a Doctor, and I've had to call her twice with questions!

There is never a dull moment in the Womack house!