I just wish I had called him one day and said let's go, I will go with you! Or better yet his doctor strongly encouraged him, he didn't, and had too many patients to really encourage dad or even follow up!
I know 3 people that have colon cancer!
They are YOUNG people! There ages are: 42, 36, and one was 37, she unfortunately died 2 years later! Very very sad! We were pregnant at the same time!
Nothing about the colonoscopy was horrible! I couldn't eat for 30 hours!
For 24 of those hours were clear liquids, Popsicles, coffee, tea, broth, jello! YUCK!
I don't like any of that except sweet tea, but that gives me chest pain, so that was out! The other 6 hours was the prep drink and water only and then nothing 4 hours before my procedure!
I seriously thought I was going to starve, all my friends told me different! They were right! It did suck but I managed!
My best advice is this:
Don't tell your co-workers you are having this done, or they put things like this on your desk!
Thanks Kyra!!! If you can't tell, that's an adult diaper/brief!
I did put a Popsicle in a cup and poured some sprite over it! I was desperate for something to taste good!
It was just ok!
The worst of the worst was the product prep I had to drink! Mine was called suprep! If I have to ever have another one I will ask for the one you mix with Gatorade! I hear that one isn't horrible!
I can't even describe how horrible that drink is! I wasn't expecting it to be gross, because it was clear!
I added ice, I added a straw, NOTHING helped!
The one at night was bad enough, but the one at 8 am the next day on an empty stomach was awful!
However after its all said and done, I'm glad I did it and made it thru!
My results were great and everything is fine! I don't remember a thing from the procedure!
The dr apparently came in when I was in recovery and talked to us, but I don't remember that at all!
I got in the car to leave, and called my mom and then we got about a mile down the road and I said, "I better call mom" and Brandon said, you just did! Ha!
I guess all the meds hadn't worn off yet!
Everyone told me I would want to go home an go to bed, and I did, but not before I ate first!
My wonderful husband took me to Qdoba! I don't remember ordering my food, but I remember being there! Ha!
A big thanks to Brandon for being with me, an being supportive and so positive!
I couldn't do it without you babe!!!
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