Friday, September 28, 2012

Playing with the big boys!

And I really mean the big boys! EE was asked by a coach on the 7/8 yr old league to play up on their team as they were short a player! I was super excited, as they only ask the best of the best to play up in the hopes that they actually help them to win! Excited until I pulled up to the field............some of the kids on the 7/8 team are almost 9, our lil guy just turned 6! That's a huge age gap at this age, as well as a big gap in talent!

When EE saw the big boys he got nervous, he also didn't know but 1 kid on this team, so he said, "nope, I'm not playing, I don't know anyone" After a little encouraging (because we all need to be encouraged at times) he took the field, playing Right Field, I had prepared him that he would most likely play outfield due to him being the youngest, and etc, etc.

One of the first batters on the other team hit the ball right over first base and my EE picked up the ball and almost threw him out from the OUTFIELD! That rarely happens in that league. I was stoked, one of the next plays the 2nd baseman missed it, EE fielded the ball, and fired it to 2nd, and kept the runner at first from advancing! The team we played most likely thought they had a huge advantage since they had a 5/6 yr old kid on there team! EE played well, not just well, but extremely well!

The next inning he was moved to 2nd, he almost caught a popup, but didn't, he did stop it from going to the outfield, he was on his belly and tossed it to 2nd, and the runner was...........wait for it.........OUT!

I know what your thinking, no way.......the kid is only 6 and he played that well against 7/8 yr olds, but he did. He hung tuff the entire game!

Let' s move to batting, in the 5/6 yr league, you get 4 pitch's if you don't hit it, then you must hit from the T, you get 2 chances/swings on the T, then you are out! In the 7/8 league, 3 strikes and your out! Our lil guy made contact all 3 times up to bat and never got throwed out at first. He batted a 1000. UNBELIEVABLE TO SAY THE LEAST!

Ethan's Poc and Papaw came to the game, and they both left impressed! We knew he had talent but not that kind of talent!

Here he is congratulating the other team, they won by one run, it was a great game!
Here is a picture of him at the "after talk" with the team, the coach let EE break it down

He had a great time, and can't wait to move up to the "big boy league"

WEIGHTLOSS UPDATE:  I lost 1.5 last week as of Friday, so I thought that was pretty good, but I really wanted to push myself and added alot of strengthening exercise Friday night and I weighed again Sat. morning and lost another 1.5, so last week I lost 3 pounds, I was THRILLED! I'm at the lowest weight I've been in the last 9 years! :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Can't wait to get there

                                                           This place is calling our name!

Beautiful, just beautiful!

The boys and I are excited to hit this place too! We are going to make lots of memories on this trip!

So thankful for a house sitter for the week, to take care of our place and our dog! Say a prayer for this lil guy he had a 4 minute seizure tonight, it broke our hearts!

                                 I will update you on Friday for my weekly weigh-in! Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Let's talk..............

DIET......................I mean LIFESTYLE change!

I am loving looking at the scales these days, I went before the scales would move down, they would ofcourse go up 2-3 lbs that I would gain over the weekend or a camping trip, then lose those same 2-3 pounds while dieting during the week. NEVER.ENDING.CYCLE!

My dear co-worker Shannon is also trying to diet and lose weight, so I like the "buddy-system" we walk on our lunch break and our 15 min. breaks too, sharing our stories of what our kiddos did the night before at a game or practice! We are pretty proud momma's!

Getting back to dieting, I started the Couch 25K program, that's not 25K, it's Couch to 5K program, loved the first 3 weeks, exciting to run again (or atleast try), I also measured my stomach before I started and my thighs, I noticed my thighs looked smaller, so I came home to find the measuring tape, it was nowhere to be found, (lil rugrats, I know they hid it)  :)  FOUND IT a day or two later, and wa-la, 2 inches off of my stomach and 1/2 inch off each thigh. AWESOME! So I really pushed thru a whole weekend and didn't cheat a day, tried to double my exercise and boom...........scales moved down 4 lbs, 2 that I had gained back and 2 additional pounds, so today folks that's a total of 32 lbs lost. I was hoping for 50 for my 1 yr. Lifestyle change Anniversary, but the entire time I've been realistic, if we have a b-day party I eat, if my hubs takes me out for our Anniversary I eat. So while doing it this way it does take longer, but I think it curbs the risk of binging and throwing my hands up in the air saying forget it!

We are going on vacation, super soon, it has came upon on me faster then I realized! So I'm trying to lose an additional 6 pounds before we go! I did find 2 super cute dresses a size smaller to take with me, and after I lose those 6 pounds they will look great! Lot's of motivation for sure!

Here are a few new foods I'm going to try today, first up is the Vita tops cran-bran muffins
 I haven't tried these yet, going to here in about 30 mins! I love the deep chocolate, but wanted a lil variety, so I'm hoping these have the same great taste the chocolate ones I have!

I typically eat the chocolate ones for breakfast, they are only 100 cals each, and loaded with fiber and protein. I heat mine in the microwave for about 10 secs, then add 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and it fills me up until lunch (most of the time) These are also good to eat in the afternoon, simply because they will hold me over 2-3 hours, and when we have ballgames, they are great to grab and go!

Today for lunch, I'm going to try one of these, I couldn't find the spicy Marinara one, so I will add red pepper flakes to it, for that extra punch, I'm also known to add a packet of Splenda to my spaghetti sauce. Lots of friends think I'm crazy, but try it sometime, it takes out the acidic tomato taste. When I make my homemade sauce for the family, I always add 1/4 cup of brown sugar, try it your family will thank you for it!

And just for fun and a good laugh for all, this is what I look like when I have finished a workout.............

my lil cutie in the back, watching his momma! I'll keep you posted on the weightloss, if I can lose 16 more I'll be thrilled to stall there for awhile! That will total 48 pounds, and I will be more then thrilled with that!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

We are loving....... some Summer soccer!

EE team is The Chili Pepper's, and Bre's team is the Renagades, and they have lime green uniforms!
Both boys are loving it, EE isn't fond of new teams/coaches/people, but he has fell in love with soccer and is becoming quite good! He scored a goal his first game!
Bre isn't shy at all, he got out there his first practice and went straight into kicking the ball, loving every minute of it!

EE is Scientist of the Week at his school tomorrow, we have attempted 2 Science projects, one was a fail, and the other B*O*R*I*N* I hope he does well with the 3rd project we came up with tonight! I'll keep you posted!

Couch to's going the first 3 weeks I loved, I'm currently on week 4 and STRUGGLING, not sure why, I think I'm bored running on the treadmill!

Good news............I lost an additional 4 lbs, I couldn't get down to the next weight bracket, but busting thru those 4 lbs put me there, exciting, lots more to go!

I've lost 1/2 inch off of my thighs and 2 inches off of my stomach, so I will take that! PROGRESS! :-)